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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication -- Solution

Thinking like an economist, you might write something like this:

"After examining a cost-benefit analysis of returning to university for a master's of business administration, I have put my plans on hold. The opportunity cost of leaving my present job outweighs the long-term benefit of the salary increase I hope to achieve.

"However, if I should ever find myself unemployed, I will certainly return for my MBA. In that case, my costs would only be $11,454. At that cost, the long-term benefit of about $40,000 would be very attractive."

That long text article boils down to a pretty simple equation!

Communication skills are important in this career, says economist Jim Johnson. For instance, economists have to keep up on world events -- that means plenty of reading.

Public speaking is important too. Johnson suggests that anyone interested in this career become involved in the student society at high school, college or university. And don't just sit there! Involving yourself in public meetings and forums can be more effective than any public speaking course.

Plus, this kind of involvement always looks good on a resume as well!