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Video Game Developer

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making -- Solution

Support taking a chance with the female-oriented game

You think a lot about the trend towards female gamers and how they've been an increasing part of the market for years now. If this trend continues, it would be foolish to ignore the female consumer. And you see no reason it won't continue.

You tell the company you feel strongly they should embrace the new generation of female gamers, and design and produce a game aimed towards them. It's a bold move for this company but, as you remind them, they can't afford to ignore this demographic. And while their sales have always been steady, you see no reason why they can't add to their sales and help get rid of the gender barrier in gaming at the same time.

The game sells well and the company is praised for thinking of female gamers in their game design. You get invited to sit in more meetings and end up getting a promotion.

"From a business point of view, game developers should be making games with any potential target market in mind," says Lesley Phord-Toy, a game director. "If research should show that women are a potential untapped market, then by all means, yes, game developers should make games for women."