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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication -- Solution

As a political strategist, you're selecting issues that your leader should talk about in a speech tonight to a group of environmentalists. These are some of the issues you may have chosen to focus on:

  1. Set up a compensation program for farmers to leave fallow fields that border on sensitive marshlands and wildlife habitats. This might appeal to environmentalists who are concerned about habitat loss across the country.
  2. Introduce endangered species legislation. This would appeal to environmentalists who believe that endangered species in your country need to have special protection, like they already do in many other countries.
  3. Increase penalties for industrial polluters. This will appeal to people who want to have a firm commitment on reducing pollution, acid rain and greenhouse gases.
  4. Increase funding for public transportation. This will appeal to people who want an alternative to a car-based society, to reduce congestion and pollution.