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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math

You've practiced rolfing part time for several years. Now, you plan to get an office and make it your full-time job.

You talk to a couple of full-time rolfers to get an idea of what your expenses will be. After talking to them and doing some other research, you estimate the following monthly expenses:

  • Office rent: $700
  • Office cleaning: $80
  • Office supplies: $200
  • Marketing: $400
  • Laundry expenses: $80
  • Membership dues for associations: $400
  • Taxes: $40
  • Business loan: $350

You plan to charge $125 a session. Each session lasts an hour and 15 minutes.

  1. What will be your total monthly expenses?
  2. How many sessions will you need to cover your expenses?
  3. How many hours of rolfing will cover your expenses?