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News Reporter/Journalist

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math

Journalists often find they need to use their math skills as well as their investigative skills.

You're a journalist. You are covering a community involved in building a new baseball stadium for $185 million. Some people claim the administrative costs for the project far exceed most projects of its kind.

You make a few phone calls. You learn that the industry standard for construction projects over $100 million is for no more than 15 percent of the budget to be spent on administrative costs. Administrative means anything not related directly to the actual construction.

Here are the administrative costs:

Line item 113Attorney's fees$450,000
Line item 176Administrative support$210,000
Line item 282Printing costs$96,000
Line item 299Car rentals$20,000
Line item 310On-site telephone, computer access$60,000
Line item 400Business entertainment expenses$40,000
Line item 410Promotional items (like hats or stickers)$70,000
Line item 500Consultant's fees$100,000
Line item 672Office trailer rental$120,000
Line item 788Office supplies$40,000

Does the project measure up to others?