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Aggressive Inline Skater

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making

You've been practicing a lot, and your skating skills are getting impressive. You have a unique style and everyone's telling you that you should get sponsored. You have a chance to be on a video being made by a respected aggressive inline skating company. They heard about you through word of mouth. This is your big chance!

You set out and start filming some of your tricks to edit together to create a four-minute segment for the video. But the pressure of the camera is getting to you. You crash several times while trying to film. It's just not happening today. That's OK -- you've been told you have two weeks to make your video.

The next day is a bit better, but you're still not performing up to your potential. However, you really want to get your video segment to the producers to ensure you make it in. You're tempted to just throw together a segment out of what you have filmed so far. It's not great, but it might do the trick. The other option is to keep trying, but you're getting frustrated.