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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication

You're an auditor who is in the process of finalizing an audit in your company's human resource (HR) department. Although you haven't finished analyzing the last of the department's documents, you plan on finishing within the next two days so you can write your final report by week's end.

This morning, on your way to your office, the director of the HR department stops you in the hallway. He would like to speak with you so you can brief him on the recent findings of your audit.

This is a normal request, and you've often met with other department directors to discuss how the audit is going and what the expected results will be. However, this particular director and you don't see eye to eye and he has criticized your work in the past, for no apparent reason.

Communication between the two of you is often strained and you're worried he'll criticize your work again, but this time in front of your boss. You're sure this is a result of what you do, not necessarily who you are, and you think he's just nervous about being audited again.

It is essential for you to communicate your findings to the director so you don't hinder the remainder of your audit and you don't upset the staff in his department. It's important the HR department continues functioning as normal so you can complete your audit and have it on your boss's desk by week's end.

How would you approach the HR director? Write out what you would do, then compare it to our solution.