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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making

A homeowner is getting his home ready for sale and has called you in to clean the chimney. You pack up your brushes and cleaning equipment and head over.

While you are cleaning, a real estate agent shows a potential buyer around the house. The buyer pokes around the rooms and goes upstairs.

You continue with your work, and after you have cleaned the flue, you lean into the chimney and vacuum soot behind the damper. Suddenly you feel a tap on your shoulder, so you shut down the vacuum.

The potential buyer sits down on the hearth next to you and says quietly, "So what's the shape of the chimney?"

You've just cleaned the chimney so you know that some mortar is crumbling and a few bricks are missing. Both of these conditions may cause a chimney leak and must be repaired.

But you have a decision to make. The homeowner, not the potential buyer, hired you to clean the chimney.

What do you do?