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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math -- Solution

You have 10 films to watch in five days. Each film is three hours long, and it usually takes you three hours to research and write one review. Do you have time to do it?

10 films x 3 hours per film = 30 hours for screening
10 reviews x 3 hours per review = 30 hours of writing
30 + 30 = 60 hours of work

5 nights x 8 hours of sleep per night = 40 hours of sleep

60 + 40 = 100 hours total is what you need to get the job done

5 days x 24 hours per day = 120 hours total
120 - 100 = 20 hours of free time

Yes, it is possible for you to get the reviews done in that time.

If a film reviewer is a freelancer, he or she probably uses math more often than those working as employees.

"If you're a freelancer, you're basically running a small business," says freelance reviewer Dan Kois. "You need to have all the skills that a bookkeeper for a small business would have. You need to be able to keep your accounts, you need to... know how much you're getting paid and keep track of those things."