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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math -- Solution

You are calculating the final bill for the research you did on Jack O'Grady's family history.

Literary resources = $11.95 + $9.50 + (4 x $5.95)
Literary resources = $11.95 + $9.50 + $23.80
Literary resources = $45.25

Archival requests = $72.75 + $19.10
Archival requests = $91.85

Miscellaneous = $1,764 + $1,278
Miscellaneous = $3,042

Total = $45.25 + $91.85 + $3,042
Total = $3,179.10

Discount = $3,179.10 x 0.12
Discount = $381.49

New Total = $3,179.10 - $381.49
New Total = $2,797.61

He owes you a total of $2,797.61.