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Forensic Psychologist

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making -- Solution

You refuse and return the check.

This is the real-life decision made by forensic psychologist Len Diamond. He gave the check back, because he knew giving the mother sole custody was not in the children's best interests.

"It would have been very easy to go to court, support her position, and tuck that beautiful $2,200 check in my pocket. [Instead], I remain honest and concerned for the best interests of the children, and not the person with the biggest bank account."

The lawyer makes it clear that he only wants your testimony if you'll support the mother's quest for sole custody. You tell the lawyer you believe shared parenting is the best solution in this case. You return the check.

The lawyer is unhappy. You won't be receiving any cases from him for a while. But you feel better knowing that you did the right thing.