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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making -- Solution

You recommend Black Shadow.

Because the mare, Charisma, is a mare of extreme value, Loren Bolinger, a pedigree analyst, would recommend making this decision.

Charisma is a valuable mare, so it's a good idea to propose the better stallion to the clients. They will most likely be willing to pay a bit more to get the best odds of producing another winner.

"People will ship mares as far as 2,000 miles to be bred," he explains. After all, the pairing could produce a winner. Bolinger says this type of shipping requires careful planning. "You have to go over the logistics and make sure the mare is shipped carefully and at the right time," he says.

In addition, when mares are being bred to high-profile stallions, extra work is involved. "You have to get the approval from the farm, and these negotiations can sometimes take up to six months," he says.