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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making -- Solution

You respect McBuns' anti-media stance and let him pass unmolested.

The next day, you find out that a rival sportswriter got McBuns to talk. You call your colleague and ask him how he did it, to which he responds: "Gee whiz, I just stopped him in that long hall near the underground showers. He told me it was OK because there was just one of me. My story made the cover!"

"My job is to write interesting stories," says sportswriter Todd Zolecki. "I find those stories by asking good questions. The best way to do that is by making athletes feel as comfortable as possible when they talk to me. I want them to feel like they're talking to a friend, a teammate or a coach -- not a reporter. Sometimes that's not easy, some athletes are wary of -- or dislike -- the media, but I try my best."