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School Technology Coordinator

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication -- Solution

Here's an example of what you could write:

As part of our initiative to deliver effective digital learning experiences, we considered whether it was best to provide each junior high student in the district with a laptop or a tablet.

Experiences in other districts have shown that both devices offer benefits to students, and each comes with a list of drawbacks.

Since the Common Core State Standards include keyboarding, we feel it is important to purchase some laptops that come with physical keyboards. Laptops also offer more computing power and can easily connect to external devices such as printers and smart boards.

However, laptops are more expensive than tablets. They are also heavier and not as portable.

We therefore recommend a pilot project whereby half of our junior high students receive a laptop and half receive a tablet. This is a cost-effective way of allowing our students to benefit from both types of devices.

School technology coordinator Dave Betts has found that his education and experience help him on "numerous occasions, especially relating to hardware and software purchases."

You have to be able to justify your purchasing decisions to the people who control the purse strings.