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Industrial Engineering Technician

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Associate's degree

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making

You're an industrial engineering technician for a large hospital. You inspect the emergency room layout and help design workstations and ensure that patient flow is as efficient as it possibly can be. Quite literally, lives are at stake. (No pressure!)

You are investigating the lighting systems in the emergency room. It's pretty routine stuff, and so far, so good -- until you notice not one but two doctors squinting at their papers as they are writing. It almost seems comical that as you're inspecting lighting you're noticing doctors squinting, except this is no laughing matter. If it's taking them even half a second longer to read something, that could be the difference between life and death in the ER.

You talk to a few doctors and sure enough, they agree that while it's not even something they've ever thought to mention, there's something about the room that makes it hard to read sometimes.

Upon further inspection, you realize the problem is actually the floor. It casts a glare off the walls that hits off of white paper when held in a certain direction. It's subtle, but in a room like this, everything matters.

Replacing a floor is expensive, and money is tight in the hospital. Maybe the doctors can manage... it's not like they've even complained about it yet. No one even mentioned it until you brought it up.

What do you do?