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Industrial Engineering Technician

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Associate's degree

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math

You're an industrial engineering technician at Tomato World, a food processing plant that makes a variety of tomato products such as drinks, ketchups and sauces.

Working at this plant means designing new equipment for assembly lines as well as maintaining existing systems.

Math is an important part of an industrial engineering technician's work. "We do a lot of calculations," says Al Lawrence. He is an industrial engineering technician. "We use math skills for drawings. It can be something as simple as addition to quite complicated calculations."

At this plant, you've been asked to design a very small holding tank that will be used to add tomato juice to a product as it goes along the assembly line. "We deal with volumes of liquids, gases [and] weights for holding things up, and calculate masses for foundations," adds Lawrence.

It's important that you design the correct size of container for the juice. You must know how much a full and empty container will weigh, and how much the liquid inside the tank will weigh.

The container you're designing is going to hold tomato juice. This liquid has the same density as water. If the container holds 24 fluid oz. of juice, how much does the juice in the container weigh?

Things you'll need to know:
1 fluid oz. = 30 cubic centimeters (cc's)
Density (in g/cc) = mass (in g) / volume (in cc's)
The density of water is 1 gram per cc.