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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math -- Solution

You need to figure out how much to charge your customer.

Parts: $127 + $19.65 = $146.65
Labor: $50 x 1.5 = $75

Total before tax: $146.65 + $75 = $221.65
Total tax: $221.65 x 0.07 = $15.52

Total: $221.65 + $15.52 = $237.17

Gas fitters don't just work with their hands -- they also work with numbers.

"Math skills are pretty important," says gas fitter Keith Fagnan. "You use them all the time for invoicing customers."

Sometimes, customers are better off replacing their furnace than fixing it. If they get a new, more efficient furnace, their heating bill savings can pay for the new furnace. Gas fitters use math to determine the better option.

"You have to figure out whether it's worth repairing or worth replacing, and that's an absolutely huge skill," says Fagnan.