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Log Grader/Scaler

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math

Log scaling once required plenty of pencil-and-paper mathematics. Today, hand-held computers do most of the fieldwork by storing and even analyzing data. But log scalers must still have good math skills.

You are a log scaler making a preliminary visit to a stand of mixed timber. The landowner is planning to harvest some of the oldest trees.

You make the following notations upon your visit:

Number of lumber-grade hemlock: 50
Number of veneer-grade oak: 200
Number of pulp-grade poplar: 355

The average hemlock contains 2,000 board feet of lumber.
The average oak contains 800 board feet of veneer.
The average poplar will yield 250 board feet of pulpwood.

The going rate for lumber-grade hemlock is $1.50 per board foot.
The going rate for veneer-grade oak is $4.50 per board foot.
The going rate for pulpwood is $0.30 per board foot.

The landowner wants to cut equal amounts of each species. He also needs at least $200,000 to pay for taxes and other expenses. What percentage of the trees you scaled should be cut?