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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math -- Solution

Let's work backwards. Each page has 24 lines and the book has 150 pages. How many lines do we have to work with?

24 lines per page x 150 pages = 3,600 lines

Now, how many words is that?

3,600 lines x 9 words per line = 32,400 words

You have space for 32,400 words. How many words will you actually have based on the average entry length?

2,350 entries x 45 words per entry = 105,750 words

You have 105,750 words total. That means you have too many words for the amount of space available.

105,750 words needed - 32,400 words that will fit = 73,350 words too many

You have 73,350 words too many to fit on the 150 pages.

If you had a hard time coming up with the answer, you may be off the hook. David Sanderson is a computational grammarian. Sanderson says, quite frankly, that in his day-to-day work, "math skills are not terribly important." More often, lexicographers call upon their "language skills, ambition...encyclopedic interest and knowledge."