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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication

At 2 p.m., an airplane refueling truck overturned and spilled its contents all over the tarmac. Nobody is hurt. The media somehow heard about this incident so you will have to address their concerns.

Before you can go to the news conference, you have to figure out how you are going to address the reporters. You have to write a speech outlining the incident. These are the facts you have to include in your speech to the press:

  • At 2 p.m., a tanker truck that was driving too fast tipped over, spilling its contents on the tarmac
  • No one was hurt in the incident
  • About 1,000 gallons of fuel poured on to the tarmac
  • A cleaning crew is already dispatched and has the situation under control
  • The airport is taking corrective measures to ensure that incidents like this will not happen again

Remember: you want to ease the concerns of the media with this speech.