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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math -- Solution

You are a welder repairing the front end of a boat. You need to calculate the perimeter of a piece of metal. This is what you calculate:

First you need to figure out the width of the rectangle:

Area = length x width

Area = 15 inches squared
Length = 5 inches
Width = W

15 inches squared = 5 inches x W
15 / 5 = W
3 inches = W

The width is 3 inches.

Then you figure out the perimeter:

The perimeter of a rectangle = (2 x length) + (2 x width)

Perimeter = (2 x 5 inches) + (2 x 3 inches)
Perimeter = 10 + 6
Perimeter = 16 inches

The perimeter of the piece of metal is 16 inches.