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Stationary Engineer/Boiler Operator

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication -- Solution

Here's what your flyer could say:

Is your furnace on the fritz? Does your air conditioning unit blow a lot of hot air? Do you wonder why your heating bills are so insane?

If you answered "yes" to any one of these questions, call 555-TECH. We are ProTipTech, your best bet for estimates, repair and system replacements!

Whether you're a school, a shopping mall or a private residence, get in touch with us. Among our specialties: heating and cooling, ventilation, boilers, refrigeration, diesel and turbine engines, generators, condensers and compressed gas systems. Call for more details!

"It's important to try and apply yourself to people in my field," says stationary engineer Larry Berta. "While I'm sure there are always going to be people out there with a more dynamic personality than you and me, all we can do is try our best. I always try to keep up on my use of communication skills. It's good for business, no matter which way you look at it."