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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math

You're a dance instructor and own your own studio. To attract more students, you offer a 25 percent discount for the first group lesson. You also attract new students through referrals. If a student recommends your studio and brings a friend, you reward the student with one free group lesson.

Your students pay for their lessons once a month. You must calculate the bill for each student based on the classes they take, remembering to include any discounts. You must also add 7 percent service tax to the price of the lessons.

You are working on the bill for a new student. She took her first group lesson this month ($20), two additional group lessons ($20 each) and one private lesson ($50). She also recommended your studio to a friend who joined your class.

Kelly Burnette is the recipient of the 2007 K-12 National Dance Educator of the Year Award. She says dance instructors often have to use math in their work. "It's not as far a stretch as people might think. I use math all the time, whether I want to or not," she says.

Calculate the bill for the student, remembering to include any discounts and tax.