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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication -- Solution

Here's what we came up with:

  1. Research: Gerontologists conduct research on how our bodies age and how to prevent physical problems as we age. They also research programs for the elderly to make sure they are as effective as possible.
  2. Management and administration: They make sure that any facility or agency for the elderly, such as a nursing home, is running smoothly.
  3. Advocacy: They look out for the rights of the elderly and seek to change anything that needs to be changed.
  4. Education and training: They teach and develop programs for the elderly, their families and those who work with them.
  5. Direct service provision: They work personally with the elderly. Caregivers fall into this category.
  6. Program planning and evaluation: They make sure there are programs available that really do help the elderly in the community.
  7. Marketing and product development: They evaluate the needs of the elderly and try to find new services and products to meet those needs.