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Museum Technician and Conservator

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Master's degree

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication -- Solution

Here's what your memo could say:

Dear Curator:

Recently, I treated a garment from the western collection with a new type of adhesive patch and solution. I did this because the garment was going to be sent out for fitting on a mannequin.

Normally, when a garment is going to be fitted on a mannequin, it is misted with water beforehand to ease the fitting process. The type of adhesive patch I normally use to repair garments is water-soluble. It might have come apart when the clothing was misted.

I decided to repair the garment with a different patch and adhesive that weren't water-soluble. It is true that this is the first time I've used this particular treatment. However, before proceeding I made sure that I would be able to reverse the repair work if I thought the treatment wasn't working. I hope this explains the situation.