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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math -- Solution

Step 1. First we add up all the minutes:

10 + 7 + 7 + 9 + 5 + 7 = 45 minutes

Step 2. Next we add up all the seconds:

32 + 54 + 28 + 18 + 54 + 28 = 214 seconds

Step 3. To find this in minutes we simply divide it by 60, since there are 60 seconds in a minute:

214 / 60 = 3.57

Now we know that we have 3 full minutes, but what does the 0.57 represent? Don't be fooled -- that does not mean 57 seconds! It means 57 percent of 1 minute. Therefore, we must make 1 more calculation.

Step 4. Find 57 percent of 1 minute:

60 seconds x 0.57 = 34 seconds

Step 5. Remember, there also needs to be 3 seconds to pause between each song, so how many seconds is that? There are 6 songs, so we only need 5 pauses.

3 seconds x 5 blank spaces = 15 seconds

Step 6. To find the total number of minutes required, you simply need to add up all the minutes and seconds of the songs, plus the seconds for the pauses

45 minutes + 3 minutes + 34 seconds + 15 seconds = 48 minutes and 49 seconds

The total time adds up to 48 minutes and 49 seconds.

While dancers don't typically use math on the job, many dance-related careers call for quite complex math skills. "To do some of the support jobs for dance, you would probably want to have geometry and trigonometry," says Lisa Claybaugh. She is an administrative assistant with a ballet company.

"For instance, theatrical riggers use quite a bit of geometry and trigonometry. And choreographers and costumers will use quite a bit of geometry as well," she says.