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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making

You're a documentary producer filming a documentary on children in Mexico City.

It's hot and you're lugging a camera around looking for just the right shot for your opening sequence. With a small budget, you're doing the filming and the directing as well as the producing.

You're about ready to give up when you spot a child making his way out of a doorway. The child is moving slowly and awkwardly, so you stop and watch. When the child emerges from the doorway, you realize he is moving this way because he has disabilities.

"He was a war refugee who was blind and had no arms," recalls documentary producer Christina Venegas.

You feel the image of this child would speak volumes to an audience about the violence and despair these children have had to endure. However, you're torn. You also feel filming him would violate his privacy and may be seen as sensationalistic.

You have to decide what to do right now, because you may not be able to find this child again.

What do you do?