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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication -- Solution

Here's what you could write:

Want the whole town to know who you are? Of course you do! And we're here to help you tell them. The Rope 'Em Rodeo is in town for only two days, but will be seen by over 4,000 people. That's 4,000 people at the event -- who knows how many will see the television broadcast! And they are going to see your advertisement.

Every time the camera pans to the chute gate, bullpen gate, or arena panel, your name is going to be a little better known.

Prices are as follows:

  • $200 for an arena panel
  • $65 for a chute gate
  • $300 for the bullpen gate

And for this rodeo only, we have a special offer -- buy two chute gates, get the third for free!

Slogan: "Rope 'Em Rodeo -- Bring down the best value."