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E-mail Administrator

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math -- Solution

1. What was the average number of e-mails sent by each department during the first semester?

Education: 8,511 + 4,301 + 6,943 + 7,677 = 27,432
Average: 27,432 e-mails / 4 months = 6,858

Engineering: 10,730 + 10,494 + 9,502 + 8,726 = 39,452
Average: 39,452 e-mails / 4 months = 9,863

Computer Science: 10,115 + 10,503 + 11,425 + 8,201 = 40,244
Average: 40,244 e-mails / 4 months = 10,061

Social Science: 3,762 + 5,320 + 6,598 + 2,264 = 17,944
Average: 17,944 e-mails / 4 months = 4,486

2. Which was the peak month for all outgoing e-mails? Which month had the least number of outgoing e-mails?

September: 8,511 + 10,730 + 10,115 + 3,762 = 33,118
October: 4,301 + 10,494 + 10,503 + 5,320 = 30,618
November: 6,943 + 9,502 + 11,425 + 6,598 = 34,468
December: 7,677 + 8,726 + 8,201 + 2,264 = 26,868

November was the busiest month for outgoing e-mails, and December had the least outgoing e-mails.