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Bereavement Counselor

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making -- Solution

You agree to keep seeing her.

You decide to keep seeing the grieving patient even though she is currently seeing another therapist. During the subsequent sessions, you gave her some stress release management techniques to help relieve some of her grief and anxiety due to her loss.

The sessions are going pretty well until one day she comes to visit you. She looks all flustered and bewildered. She is a wreck. You ask what is wrong and she tells you that her other therapist has been giving her guidance that directly contradicts the advice that you are giving. This is deeply confusing and distressing her.

The next day you get a phone call from her therapist. You found out that the patient did not tell her original therapist that she is seeing you, too. He gives you an earful and warns you to stop confusing her client. You realize it would have been better for all concerned if you had stuck to your golden rule.