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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making -- Solution

You keep working.

You have a great deal of seniority and you are making a good income. Now that you are married and expecting a family, you don't feel comfortable going back to school. You enjoy the work that you are doing. You feel that the income you are making is sufficient enough to last you through the years.

It does bother you that you may be passed over for promotions by individuals who have had post-secondary training. You will not be given the level of responsibility that you would like to have.

"If you are investing money, you want to have a competent and experienced person who makes the right decisions in charge," says James Moor.

In the next few years, there are a number of layoffs. You are constantly stressed about whether you will keep your job. You know that your co-workers who have post-secondary training are essentially guaranteed a position in the company.

You continue on with your job and remain content with your decision. There will always be the opportunity to go back to school if you really find it necessary, but for now you have decided to continue working.