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Self-Improvement Coach

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making -- Solution

Refer your client to a professional counselor in his area

As a newcomer to the coaching business, every client you have is an important source of income. But they are more than just income. They are real people with real problems.

When one of your clients confesses to you that he is having thoughts about hurting himself, you act. You find a counselor in his area trained to help people with depression.

You tell him you won't meet with him again until he has sought the advice of a counselor. When a counselor or his doctor says he can continue with coaching, you will be there for him.

A few months later the client contacts you again. He thanks you for realizing his needs and getting him help. He has started a therapy regime. His doctor has given him the go-ahead to continue working with you.

You are relieved he is on his way to recovery. You begin working together to set goals to keep him on the right path.

Danny Freedman trained as a coach through the Coaches Training Institute. He also joined the International Coach Federation (ICF). He says coaches should be committed to the goals and ethics of the ICF.