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Billiards Player

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making

Pool players say the toughest decisions they make are the ones they make while playing, because they have to be made quickly.

In most nine-ball tournaments, for example, each player gets 30 seconds to shoot, unless they call for time. If they do, they can then take up to two minutes to examine a shot and plan how to play the rest of the game.

You're a pro pool player in the midst of a game that could clinch the championship for you. You're playing nine ball and after you break, you sink the first two balls, the one and the two. But when you line up to shoot the three, you see a problem.

The three ball is pretty well lined up, but in order to line the cue ball up to sink the four, you would need to make an almost impossible four-bank shot. If you miss, your opponent may be able to use the four ball to sink the nine (that's one way to win nine ball without clearing the table).

You call for time, which gives you another minute or so to make a decision.

What do you do?