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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math -- Solution

First you need to add up how many points McWiggy lost.

2.5 + 5.0 + 2.5 + 2.5 + 1.5 + 7.0 + 3.5 = 24.5

Next, subtract the total number of demerits from 100.

100 - 24.5 = 75.5

McWiggy passes the inspection, but just barely. You tell him to shape up or you will be forced to shut down the restaurant.

Where health inspector Gordon Stewart works, inspectors don't calculate demerits. But they do have a similar system.

"We do have a risk-based inspection system," says Stewart. "They look at every infraction, coded one, two or three (low, medium or high risk) so based on those infractions they'll be calculating numbers. On each inspection report they'll be adding up numbers and going, 'OK this is 25 points -- that puts me at a moderate hazard rating,' or, 'It's 50 points -- that puts them in a high hazard rating.' So they are doing addition for every inspection -- really basic stuff."

Math isn't just used when inspecting restaurants. Health inspectors also use math when inspecting swimming pools, for example.

"If they're looking at a pool inspection, they're looking at how big the pool is, what's the flow rate, those kinds of things," says Stewart.