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Mobile Home Installer

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High school preferred +

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making

You are heading up a crew that is going to install a new manufactured home. The units of the home are on a big truck. You have an additional pickup truck loaded with five workers who are going to install the home. Your employer is paying you, the truck driver and the workers by the hour.

Typically, when your employer negotiates a contract with a new homeowner, they identify any possible obstacles such as ditches, power lines or trees. Then they decide how those obstacles are to be handled.

You arrive at the destination. The truck, the home and the workers are behind you. Ahead there is a big ditch standing between you and the lot where the home will be assembled. You did not know about the ditch.

It won't be easy to get that big truck across the ditch. Still, the truck driver is experienced and it might be possible. That would mean you can get to work setting up the mobile building and everybody will be happy.

If you turn around and go back, the home won't get set up according to schedule. What's more, your crew will not get paid for the full day's work.

What do you do?