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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making -- Solution

You interview pilots and use on-the-ground means to get the information.

This isn't what Barry Spinner did. But he might have if he were afraid of flying.

"I'm not sure what I would have done in that case. I would have had to consider its effect on my work and see if there was some other way I could get the information I needed in order to do a good job," says Spinner.

The main point is: can you get all the information you need to do the job without going in the air? Will the test be as accurate if you don't fly the plane?

If you can get all the information you need and the test will be just as accurate, then you might want to keep your feet on the ground if you are afraid of flying.

But if you cannot get all the information you need or the test wouldn't be as accurate, then you might need to attach those wings and get in the air. Or let someone else (an associate) do it.