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Heating or Air Conditioning Mechanic/Installer

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making

Mr. Wilson is in an uproar. "My darned furnace is putting me in the poorhouse!" he bellows over the telephone. "This is not a huge place, so I'm really mad about this. The furnace is over 10 years old, though. Do you think it needs to be replaced?"

Sometimes, the cause of inefficient house heating is a drafty door, poor insulation or warped window frames. All three of these things can make an otherwise energy-efficient home a money-sucking barn.

On the other hand, maybe Mr. Wilson does need a new furnace. Like anything else, heating systems will fizzle out. But you have to be sure. You don't want him to fork over the cash for a new system when the culprit is a crack in the wall.

What do you do?