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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math -- Solution

  1. Fourteen- and 15-year-olds spend about 25 percent of their time as passengers with peers behind the wheel.

    Rating = 0.25 x 5
    Rating = 1.25 -- doesn't warrant an announcement
  2. More than 80 percent of 14- and 15-year-olds who were killed were passengers in vehicles with drivers who were too young to be their parents. In fact, 70 percent of them were riding with drivers who were aged 21 or under.

    Rating = 0.80 x 5
    Rating = 4 -- does warrant announcement
  3. Looking even more closely at that group, in 14 percent of peer driver-caused fatal accidents, children between the ages of 12 and 15 were behind the wheel.

    Rating = 0.14 x 5
    Rating = 0.70 -- doesn't warrant announcement
  4. When it comes to gender, male drivers are likely to be involved in more than 50 percent of the crashes that result in injuries and fatalities to child passengers.

    Rating = 0.50 x 5
    Rating = 2.5 -- use your judgment. Because the statistic was quoted as "more than 50 percent," it should warrant an announcement.
  5. Over 20 percent of all fatally injured child passengers were in crashes in which the driver was traveling too fast for conditions or at speeds in excess of posted limits.

    Rating = 0.20 x 5
    Rating = 1 -- doesn't warrant announcement

"Math helps risk managers analyze the probabilities of a scenario," says John Shortreed. He is the director of the Institute for Risk Research. "But it's actually more important to be able to think logically about probabilities and get the analysis right rather than just implementing mathematics."