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Entrepreneurship/Entrepreneurial Studies


Insider Info

What to Expect

Be prepared to hit the ground running. Most entrepreneurship programs expect students to come up with a comprehensive business plan before graduation.

That's actually why Chris O'Connor chose the program. He studied entrepreneurship at the University of Southern California.

But many entrepreneurship students guard their ideas jealously, which surprised O'Connor. "I didn't expect some of the students to hide their business concepts as if they were part of the CIA. Too many students are [distrustful] and really unreasonable when it comes to [that]," he says.

In contrast, O'Connor says he spread his idea around hoping that someone would have some good advice for him.

Greg Malpass took a double major in marketing and international business. He was also a member of his campus chapter of the Association of Collegiate Entrepreneurs, which can be found at many colleges and universities.

"I truly enjoy the excitement and satisfaction of an entrepreneurial venture," he says. "I do not mind working very long hours when it is for something that I believe in. I do not enjoy structured environments. I tend to lead rather than follow."

Dean Lashley already had a diploma in marketing management and was working in the development industry when he decided to go back to university. "I began to realize that in order to move into other industries, I would need a degree," he explains. He felt entrepreneurship would give him the most options after graduation.

Lashley says he spent his mornings doing homework or attending meetings for class project groups. His classes ran from 1 to 5 p.m., then he spent evenings working on more homework. "Group work makes up a large portion of the program and is quite time-consuming," he adds.

How to Prepare

Take classes in consumer education and accounting, says Malpass.

You may also want to consider starting your own business, he adds. "Mowing lawns, cleaning windows, chopping firewood. Do something you're good at. If you're not interested in starting your own business, work for an entrepreneur. No one can prepare a young person for entrepreneurship better than a mentor."