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Artist and Repertoire Representative

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making -- Solution

You leave the rock 'n' roll group out of your proposal.

You go to your supervisor's office and find him there with your manager. You will have to present your proposal to both men.

You explain why you chose to promote the folk and jazz bands rather than the rock 'n' roll band the supervisor wanted. Upon completing your explanation, your manager begins applauding.

He agrees with all your thoughts. He pats your supervisor on the back, shakes your hand and says how proud he is to have such intelligent and professional A and R reps working for him.

"When evaluating singers and groups, a common denominator you use for assessment is whether they possess a 'world-class talent,'" explains rep David Quilico.

"You should never seek a group or singer according to market trends or category of music. Instead, you should let talent present itself and let them rise to the occasion."