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Pharmaceutical Sales Representative

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math -- Solution

You need to figure out how much you need to sell in the final 3 weeks of the quarter.

$155,750 / 3 weeks = $51,917 per week
$51,917 / 5 days = $10,383 per day to meet your goal

$155,750 + $50,000 = $205,750
$205,750 / 3 = $68,583 per week
$68,583 / 5 = $13,717 per day to earn your bonus

Happy selling!

Joe Willis is a sales training and development associate with an international pharmaceutical company. He says math skills aren't a daily requirement, but they are useful for doing sales analysis.

"Basic math skills [are] used to analyze sales reports on a monthly [and] quarterly basis. Reps are also responsible for developing territory business plans and an element of these plans includes sales analysis."