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Internet Marketer

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making -- Solution

You spend more time working on websites for other companies.

This is the real-life decision Gregg Meiklejohn made. He says it's important to spend most of your time getting clients and keeping them happy. Just a fraction of your day should be spent working on your own website.

If you're starting out in Internet marketing, it can be a safer bet to build your clientele first. You can still devote some time to your own project, of course, but remember that success in many business endeavours depends on networking, and networking involves receiving new clients from the positive comments spread by your previous, established clients.

Keep in mind, however, that just because you will eventually gather significant knowledge and clients may begin clamoring for your special marketing touch, that doesn't mean you should try to over-impress or overrun them with your acquired expertise.

"The rule of thumb is you basically work for free with prospects until you get clients, and then as you get more clients you shrink down your free prospect time," says Meiklejohn.

"And when you have a mature, thriving business you'd usually do four to five hours of paying work and then an hour of marketing work a day -- that's ideally where you want to be at."