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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication -- Solution

You're teaching a customer about wig maintenance and care. If a wig isn't cared for properly, it can be ruined. This is how you might answer Rita's questions.

  1. Why can't I use hair shampoo on my synthetic wig?

    It will make the hair stiff and coarse. Once this happens, nothing can be done to reverse the damage.

  2. How often do people usually wash their wigs?

    It isn't necessary to wash a wig as often as you might wash hair. Many people wash their wigs after 15 to 20 wearings.

  3. Why shouldn't I comb my wig when it's wet?

    Combing a wet wig can loosen the curl.

  4. How will I know that the wig is dry enough to wear?

    When the inside cap is bone dry, the wig is ready for wear.