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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making -- Solution

You order the cheaper dark hair and bleach it yourself.

The producer of the show is pleased with your estimated budget to get the wigs. "That's a very reasonable price," he exclaims happily.

On opening night, the curtain lifts and the wigs look wonderful. In the paper the next day, the production gets rave reviews, including the costume design.

However, because of its popularity, the show continues on a long run. After several months, the wigs you've fashioned begin to look very poor. The colors have faded and the hair looks frazzled from getting broken when it's combed.

"You have to choose the best quality hair for a hairpiece," says Flemino. "You don't want to use cheap dyes. The color will fade and the hair will break when it's combed."

Soon, the wigs begin to look so ratty that the producer says they will have to be refashioned. But he doesn't ask you to do the job. He wants somebody who can make a good-quality product.