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Sales Engineer

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math -- Solution

You're a sales engineer working for an irrigation company. You're hoping to make a sale to a company that has come up with a new type of corn seed. Before you put together a proposal for the client, you need to figure out a few details of the system requirements.

For a 60-acre plot, you need to apply 1 inch of water every 3 days for 15 hours a day. What is the flow rate of water you will need for this system?

This is the formula you will need to use to calculate flow rate:

Q = (453 x A x D) / (F x H)

Q = Flow rate (gallons per minute)
A = Total area irrigated (acres)
D = Depth of water applied (inches)
F = Irrigation frequency (days)
H = Hours of operation per day

These are your numbers:

Q = flow rate
A = 60 acres
D = 1 inch
F = 3 days
H = 15 hours

Put these numbers into the formula:

Q = (453 x 60 acres x 1 inch) / (3 days x 15 hours)
Q = 604 gallons per minute

The flow rate of water you will need for the system is 604 gallons per minute.