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Human Rights Worker

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication -- Solution

You're a human rights worker visiting a country that has long been isolated from the rest of the world. With a new government, its people are working towards creating a new atmosphere of freedom and justice in their society. Here are some of the things you help them understand:

1. What kinds of distinctions are listed in the declaration as examples?

Everyone is entitled to the full rights and freedoms of the declaration without distinction of any kind. Some of the distinctions listed in the declaration are race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. This is stated in Article 2.

2. What does it say about slavery?

The declaration states that no person may be held in slavery, and that all forms of slavery and the slave trade are prohibited. This is stated in Article 4.

3. Is everyone equal before the law? Which article states whether this is true?

Everyone is equal before the law. This is stated in Article 7.

4. Can people be arrested or detained for no apparent reason? Which article states whether this is true?

People can't be arrested or detained for no apparent reason. This is stated in Article 9.