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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making -- Solution

You leave the emeralds in.

You take a chance. This is the real-life decision made by Jason Hampton. Hampton is an innovator who has had to improvise and invent since his early days in high school.

Hampton and a fellow worker started experimenting with the tiniest emerald pieces. This way, if they cracked under the heat, it wouldn't cost them an arm and a leg.

They were successful and worked their way up to the bigger sizes cautiously. Meanwhile, the rest of the shop was doing it the usual way -- and Hampton and his associate looked like some kind of speed demons.

"It's an extremely tedious, time-consuming process to pull the stones and then reset them," says Hampton. "Everyone wondered how we were doing our work so fast. Eventually, we showed our supervisor. His eyes were as big as dinner plates when he saw what we were up to."

Hampton's work saved him time and the company money. More importantly, it improved Hampton's reputation.