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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making -- Solution

You take the job.

Your firm needs the business. There's a lot of inventory to go through and organize. The property is far away and you have to spend two days away from home checking it out. In all, the auction takes a week and a half to pull off. That costs you a good deal of money.

In the end, the real estate goes for peanuts to some very happy entrepreneurs. The equipment sold all right, but your seller made far less than he owes. The collection goons are close by and they eagerly take what they can, leaving your client penniless.

He is grateful for your compassion and very apologetic that he cannot pay you. But that doesn't help you any. You wasted two weeks of your time and money for nothing.

Sure, it feels good to have helped your client out, but now you are in debt. What's more, while you were busy with this contract, other more lucrative contracts went to your competition.

"We've walked away from millions and millions of dollars of sales simply because we determined that there was no margin of profit for the seller," says auctioneer Joe Tarpley. "We have to make those calls and be very selective during tough times."