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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math -- Solution

What you have to do is figure out the values of each portion of the property:


0.38 x 50 = 19 cultivated acres
19 acres cultivated x $1,050 per cultivated acre = $19,950


50 acres total - 19 acres cultivated = 31 acres
31 acres - 3 (acres under house and yard) = 28 pasture acres
28 x $460 = $12,880

House and Yard Acreage

3 x $1,460 = $4,380


3,270 x $47 = $153,690


117 x 42 = 4,914 square feet
4,914 x $12 = $58,968

Total = 19,950 + 12,880 + 4,380 + 153,690 + 58,968
Total = $249,868

Since Justin only needs $208,000, you are confident that the auction will benefit everyone, including you. In fact, everything sells very well.

Justin is so happy with your great work that he buys you a satellite dish.

According to auctioneer Al Briggs, an auctioneer's use of math is minimal.

"The auctioneer does not keep track of what he sells. That's done by the clerk. They don't have to be up there adding and subtracting in their heads, that's for sure!" he says.