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Toy Buyer

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication -- Solution

Here's an example of how the negotiation could go:

You: So, I take it you have some extra Fluffy the Bat stuff?

Broker: That's right. It is sitting in a truck parked outside my warehouse. I got it off a wholesaler who went bankrupt.

You: What condition is it in?

Broker: Brand new. It has never been touched.

You: OK. How much do you want?

Broker: Well, I'll tell you something, you can have the Fluffy stuff for $6,000. That's 40 percent off the list price.

You: That's not bad. But how about you knock off another 10 percent?

Broker: Ten percent? That would make it 50 percent off. I'm not sure if I can do that.

You: Sure you can. I mean, if you don't find a buyer here, it is going back to Atlanta, and they will pay you less than I would.

Broker: OK. Fifty percent. But under only one condition.

You: What's that?

Broker: You have to buy everything, for $10,000.

You: OK. But I need to check out the merchandise before the sale is final.